The Evolution of The Chair

One hundred million, three hundred thousand, four hundred and five years ago two dissimilar indestructible molecules were joined together.  Joined by what would seem to be a completely random atmospheric force that bonded these elements and then formed them in to what is today called a “chair.”  Pictured is such a chair and listed below are some of the incredible features that, somehow were magically created on that mysterious happenstance:

  • Solid Treated Yellow Pine Construction; chosen by the random force because of the longevity offered
  • Curved Seat Bottom; put into place by the random event in order to achieve ultimate comfort
  • Matching Ottoman; because the random molecules loved to extend the legs (for added comfort)
  • Stainless Steel Hardware: this is one random event that knows its stuff when it comes to fasteners and only the best of the best would do!
  • Slightly reclined seat back; just happened that way.  Nobody knows why not even the molecules, we asked!
  • Attractive design; another mystery! But glad it happened that way ‘cause they sure look great!

    The Evolution of the chair by Old Barn Rustic Co
    The Evolution of the chair by Old Barn Rustic Co


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